Not only has skating brought roller sports to our community, it has helped PTAs from all over the county with fundraising. Skating has provided children, teens, and adults a safe fun place to hang out and gather with friends and family. Skating has meant a lot to countless people over the years.

Years skating: “50 years competitively and making it to Nationals every year.”
How has skating impacted your life? “It’s been my whole life. It has kept kids out of trouble and I have built a skate family. “

Years skating: 16
How has skating impacted your life: “It’s been a nice way to be a social person.”

Years skating: 6-7
How has skating impacted your life: “It’s been a part of my life for years! A safe, inexpensive way to have fun.”

Years skating: 10
How has skating impacted your life? “I grew up skating and have made a lot of friends. “
Name: Ryan (center)
Years skating: 20
How has skating impacted your life? “It is a great way to have fun and make friends.”
Name: Andrew
Years skating: 20
How has skating impacted your life? ” It helped me grow as a person. I also enjoy teaching kids how to skate.”

Years skating: 12
How has skating impacted your life? “I grew up skating. It taught me how to tough out a blister.

Years skating: 18
How has skating impacted your life? “It kept me out of trouble, made tons of friends, and have been introduced to a lot of music.”

Years skating: 7
How has skating impacted your life? “Completely. The perfect thing for physical, mental, and spiritual balance. It makes you happy.
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