We did our first event! Kitsap Pride 2019! Along side NDC (Northwest Derby Company) we introduced ourselves to a lot of people and made new friends. We are very happy with the logo we chose. Thank you to all who submitted logos!

We have been cutting the CKHS floor into panels this week. Time and efforts so far have been internal but we cannot do this alone. This weekend (July 27th) we are loading up the floor and unloading it (July 28th) to where it will be stored. We are always looking for more help. For more information or to sign up visit https://skatetown.org/index.php/2019/07/20/volunteer-sign-up/
We are missing several board of directors and committee members this week as they are at Nationals. Bremerton’s artistic team the Sk8town Stars, Hurricanes Hockey team, and two Bremerton Speed Team skaters are competing in Spokane. We wish them all the best of luck in their competitions!
- Close out negotiations with RCR on sport court and bleachers
- Begin cutting and make significant progress on CKHS floor in preparation for weekend load out.
- Pickup other items from the CK Schools auctions (tables/rolling cabinets)
- Close on P.O. Box Paperwork and get a $200 donation check from Phil K. of Bremerton. Thanks Phil! (and free gifts from Victoria’s secret intended for previous P.O. Box precipitant)
- Setup to hire through Express Personnel for additional labor as needed to close open projects.
- Get volunteer coordination in place/events created for weekend floor load
- Reserve 6 u-hauls for Friday through Sunday.
- Participate in pride
- Print Pride Event T-Shirts
- Create Pride Flyers/Handouts.
- Participate in Art Nationals (speed 30th-6th, hockey 28th-3rd)