Moving Forward With a Logo

As many pointed out and internally we are well aware the timetable that was posted for the logo competition was incredibly short. There were several options submitted internally and we fully intend to put this out to the broader community going forward. However over the next couple weeks we need to do some shirts and flyers and having something to build a brand with is better then going forward with a bunch of shirts that just say “<TBD>”.

The Logo we are moving forward with came from Ezra T. an Artistic skating coach out of Everett. The logo he submitted is low complexity and can be easily adapted to different or multiple disciplines and events and be tied back into an organizational one over all. Once the floor is out of CK and we have a little more breathing room expect to see discipline or skater focused versions of this popping up on our store page.

The logo and branded merchandise will be used in a few ways. The immediate use is to show thanks to those working events and volunteering. We will be doing specific versions of shirts for different functions so as they say “collect them all”. We will also be selling various garments with the logos printed on them as a way to generate funds toward the goals of Skatetown. We know that donating to a go-fund-me campaign doesn’t feel like a great value to everybody because “what do I get for this money” so be on the lookout if you want logo-ed merch as a way show your support.

About the Author

Shawn Cupples