Over the past month the work that has been going into Sk8town stars has been largely bucketed into two categories; 1: What do we need from Skateland? 2: How do we keep skaters skating over the the next several months? Unfortunately many of these items have come with an aspect of negotiations where it would put this organization at a competitive disadvantage to announce intentions prior to signing contracts. There will always be some aspects that are best to not share broadly in advance but our aim is to be as transparent as possible. As of today 7/10/2019 a large piece portion of that has closed out (Official Announcement 7/11 and free Slurpee day). In our continuing efforts to provide as much transparency as possible it is our pleasure to announce that we are publishing the active task board for Todo items and in flight projects. This will provide better transparency into our activities along with the opportunity for anybody to sign up for tasks/projects to help skatetown.org accomplish its goal.
Over the next month we need to diversity the categories we are working on into short and long term facilities, events, clubs, administrative, and online presence. All of these are aspects that are KEY to our success. All of us serving in elected officials firmly believe that the more diverse the perspective the better and that the only idea that is bad is the one never shared. Please consider getting involved every little bit helps.